She is authorized by the Supreme Court of Justice of El Salvador for the practice of law (1993) and notary (1994).
She worked in the area of Deed and Registration, as well as in the Department of Judicial Recovery of the Association of Savings and Loans CRECE, (1987)
She worked in the Administrative and Judicial Recovery department of the First Bank of Workers (1990)
She was a Legal Collab and Resolvent of the processes of Unconstitutionality, Legal protection and Hábeas Corpus, in the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. (1992)
Manager of Municipal Relations of TELECOM, CTE El Salvador. (2000)
She worked as a legal advisor to the Legal Department of the General Superintendence of Electricity and Telecommunications - SIGET. (2002)
She has been legal advisor to the INCAE Graduate Association, El Salvador.
She worked as Registrar of the National Registry Center, in the Real Estate and Mortgage Registry of San Salvador, San Vicente and La Libertad (2004-2009). In that same position she participated as an advisor and presenter of the Central American Mortgage at the Regional and Caribbean level.
She held the position of Director of Consular Affairs, of the General Directorate of the Foreign Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, and also served as Advisor to the Office of Attention to Migrants of the General Directorate of Migration and Development of said Ministry. (2009-2011)
Practice areas:
- Corporate
- Constitutional and Administrative Litigation Law
- Notary and Registry Area
- Consular matters