Luis gerardo hernandez jovel

Luis Gerardo Hernández Jovel

Degree in Legal Sciences from the University "Dr. José Matías Delgado "(2009). Currently studying for a Master's Degree in Business Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a PhD candidate in Private Law from the "Dr. José Matías Delgado ", El Salvador, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Spain.

  • Spanish


Authorized by the Supreme Court of Justice for the practice of law (2010) and notary (2012). He has had experience in the areas of formalization of credit instruments and guarantees for local and regional Banking Institutions (2004-2007). In the firm he has worked as a collaborator in the area of ​​arbitration and litigation as well as in the area of ​​commercial corporate advice.
Actualmente, participa como abogado en litigios civiles, comerciales, contencioso administrativo y
Currently, he participates as a lawyer in civil, commercial, administrative litigation and labor litigation, as well as in the execution of arbitral awards and appeals for annulment; provides labor advice in conciliations and transactions at the company's internal level and has represented different companies in individual and collective labor disputes in administrative and judicial offices. He has also been part of the legal team in mergers and acquisitions, and in various international negotiations related to representation, distribution, supplies and other agencies related to communication systems, telecommunications and payment processing systems.

Practice areas:

  • Judicial Litigation and Arbitration
  • Corporate and Commercial
  • Labor


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